"Zip and save" option in Ape Manager

Hello, everyone!

We want to inform you of a new helpful feature that is available in Helicon Ape and higher.

To make your interaction with our support team more fruitful we’ve introduced a context menu item “Zip and Save Ape Configuration” that makes an archive including all Ape config files for current location (on which you right-clicked) and its parents, web.config and Ape rewrite and error logs.

Having chosen the option you’ll be informed about the files to be included into the package.

Note! All the files taken have proven to be essential for quick/efficient problem solving in most cases.

Notice that you can append additional files to the zip package later.

Finally, you’ll be prompted to specify the location for the package to be saved (by default it’s Ape installation folder). Our support team will be really grateful to get it for investigation.

We do hope this feature will help our support team resolve your issues within the shorter term.

Best regards,
Anton, Helicon Tech Team

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