Window 2008 IIS7 Ape not working

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Window 2008 IIS7 Ape not working

31 Mar 2012, 05:23


I have one website running on iis7 on windows 2008. I installed Ape and was working fine until I ran into some issues and I had to delete the website from IIS and recreate it again. Now rewrite is not working. I tried reinstalling Ape but to no avail. There is no rewrite.log. However, the error.log have recent entries in them which leads me to believe that the the module is loaded. What else should I check and troubleshoot to get working again?

I just tried to attached my .htaccess, httpd.conf and error logs to this thread and it tells me that "The extension txt is not allowed." How come text is not allowed? Anyhow, here are the info. Thank you in advanced for your help.

Error log
[3/31/2012 12:08:22 AM] [LicenseManager] Site with id=1 is working with free license
[3/31/2012 12:30:29 AM] [LicenseManager] Site with id=1 is working with free license
[3/31/2012 12:37:48 AM] [LicenseManager] Site with id=1 is working with free license
[3/31/2012 12:42:28 AM] [LicenseManager] Site with id=1 is working with free license
[3/31/2012 12:50:49 AM] [LicenseManager] Site with id=1 is working with free license
[3/31/2012 12:56:08 AM] [LicenseManager] Site with id=1 is working with free license
[3/31/2012 1:00:02 AM] [LicenseManager] Site with id=1 is working with free license

[3/31/2012 12:41:11 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/Scripts/tab.js] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:41:11 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/images/RegPage/cor.jpg] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:41:11 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/images/RegPage/cor.jpg] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:42:28 AM] [cache_module] items stored in the cache: 1; bytes available for the cache: 1288210022, physical memory limit: 97%
[3/31/2012 12:42:28 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/register.aspx] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess: c:\dfun\.htaccess
[3/31/2012 12:42:28 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/register.aspx] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:42:29 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/css/mystyle2.css] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:42:29 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/Scripts/tab.js] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:42:29 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/images/RegPage/cor.jpg] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:42:29 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/images/RegPage/cor.jpg] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:43:36 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/register.aspx] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess: c:\dfun\.htaccess
[3/31/2012 12:50:49 AM] [cache_module] items stored in the cache: 1; bytes available for the cache: 1288210022, physical memory limit: 97%
[3/31/2012 12:50:49 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/register.aspx] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess: c:\dfun\.htaccess
[3/31/2012 12:50:49 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/register.aspx] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:50:51 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/css/mystyle2.css] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:50:51 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:50:51 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/images/RegPage/cor.jpg] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:50:51 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/images/RegPage/cor.jpg] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 12:56:08 AM] [cache_module] items stored in the cache: 1; bytes available for the cache: 1288210022, physical memory limit: 97%
[3/31/2012 12:56:08 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess: c:\dfun\.htaccess
[3/31/2012 12:56:08 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:
[3/31/2012 1:00:02 AM] [cache_module] items stored in the cache: 1; bytes available for the cache: 1288210022, physical memory limit: 97%
[3/31/2012 1:00:02 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess: c:\dfun\.htaccess
[3/31/2012 1:00:03 AM] [mod_core_context] (8) [/provider/] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:

.htaccess (partial)

RewriteLog "C:\Dfun\myrewrite11.log"
RewriteLogLevel 6

RewriteBase /
#RewriteMap mapfile txt:c:\dfun\rdallidToname.txt [NC]
#RewriteMap revmapfile txt:c:\dfun\rdallnameToid.txt [NC]
#RewriteMap mapfileRev txt:c:\dfun\rdallidTonameReviews.txt [NC]
#RewriteMap revmapfileRev txt:c:\dfun\rdallnameToidReviews.txt [NC]
## for registred users
#RewriteMap ro2n txt:c:\dfun\public\RegOidToname.txt [NC]
#RewriteMap rn2o txt:c:\dfun\public\RegnameTooid.txt [NC]

#Redirect non-HTTPS to HTTPS
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} (.*)
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.*)
RewriteRule .? https://%1%2 [R,L]

## Make sure all domains are 301 redirect to
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ! [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) https://www\.cccccccccc\.org\/$1 [R=301, L, QSA]

RewriteRule \.asmx|\.axd|\.ashx - [NC, L]


# Helicon Ape core configuration

#Automatically generated license file
Include licenses.conf

## The following code enables most detailed logging for Ape

Loglevel debug
ErrorLog c:\\DFUN\\errorApe.log

#force Ape to ignore syntax errors in config
Options -StopOnError

## Read more about supported modules here

LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
LoadModule authn_dbd_module modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
LoadModule authn_default_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_default_module modules/
LoadModule asis_module modules/
LoadModule cache_module modules/
LoadModule dbd_module modules/
LoadModule dbd_exec_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/
LoadModule developer_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule expires_module modules/
LoadModule filter_module modules/
LoadModule gzip_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule hotlink_module modules/
LoadModule linkfreeze_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule logio_module modules/
LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule replace_module modules/
LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule speling_module modules/
LoadModule seo_module modules/
LoadModule xsendfile_module modules/

## The following code enables most detailed logging for mod_rewrite

RewriteLog c:\\DFUN\\rewriteApe.log
RewriteLogLevel 6

## The following code hides .htaccess and .htpasswd files from sites visitors.

#<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
# Order allow,deny
# Deny from all
# Satisfy All

## Use htaccess.txt instead of .htaccess
## put it in the httpd.conf
#AccessFileName htaccess.txt

## Basic Authentication for the folder

#<Directory c:\inetpub\wwwroot\admin\>
# AuthType Basic
# AuthName "secret area"
# AuthBasicProvider file
# AuthUserFile c:\inetpub\.htpasswds
# Require valid-user

## MD5 Digest Authentication

#<Location /private/>
# AuthType Digest
# AuthName "private area"
# AuthDigestDomain /private/
# AuthDigestProvider file
# AuthUserFile c:/inetpub/passwords/.digest_pwd
# Require valid-user

## Enable memory-based cache for php files

#<Files *.php>
# ExpiresActive On
# ExpiresByType text/html "access 1 hour"
# CacheEnable mem

## Force Ape account for trailing slash redirects and index files

#DirectoryIndex index.html index.asp index.php
#DirectorySlash On

## Cache all cacheable content to the disk

## please create this folder before using
#CacheRoot c:\inetpub\cache
#SetEnv cache-enable disk

## Prevent ddos attacks

#<IfModule evasive_module>
# DOSPageCount 10
# DOSSiteCount 150
# DOSPageInterval 1
# DOSSiteInterval 1
# DOSBlockingPeriod 10

## Enable smart expiration

#ExpiresActive On
## html expires in a 2 hour
#ExpiresByType text/html A7200
## css expires in a 4 hour
#ExpiresByType text/css A14400

## The following code enables caching and compression for all static files
## accounting for browser peculiarities

#Include smart_gzip_compression.conf

## Stop hotlinking

#SetEnv mod_hotlink
#<Files *.pdf>
# HotlinkProtect /pdf [ Link, ParamName=hlb ]

## Enable Linkfreeze

#SetEnv mod_linkfreeze
#LinkFreezeRule --- "aspx=htm" [ AbsLinks,MoveExt ]

## Enable cache in-memmory

#<LocationMatch "/|/index.php">
# SetEnv cache-enable mem

## Enable proxying /accounts/ application to internal server

#<Location /accounts/>
# ProxyPass
# ProxyPassReverse
# ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain

## Common rule for cms systems

#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
#RewriteRule (.*) /index.php [NC,L,NS]

#Header append Server "enhanced by Helicon Ape/3.0"

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Posts: 2
Joined: 31 Mar 2012, 05:05

Re: Window 2008 IIS7 Ape not working

31 Mar 2012, 19:35

Solved! Right at the very last second when was about to give up on Ape, the fog cleared. As you can see from the logs that Ape was processing website ID 1. The new website is ID 6. I changed the ID on the IIS7 from 6 to 1 and it worked.

So the question is now how to tell Ape to process website ID 6 and not 1 (for example)? guys rock!

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Joined: 12 Mar 2012, 09:54

Re: Window 2008 IIS7 Ape not working

02 Apr 2012, 04:36


You may try to re-enable Ape for the target site in Helicon Ape manager.
And check in License Manager that you are not exceeding the number of free sites.

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