Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

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Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

01 Jul 2013, 14:33

I am attempting to following the instructions found here: http://www.helicontech.com/zoo/install.htm

The install does not complete, because several dependencies, most all of which are IIS products, did not install (I've attached an image showing the problems). The Ruby installs appear to have been successful.

After days of trying to get this installed, I'm at my wit's end. I saw on the Microsoft site, that you don't have to use WPI and can download and install these items manually, but they don't provide any links for that.

Also attached is the log file. I'm seeing a lot of http 302 responses, and also the unattended setups are returning '-2146498529'

I've tried installing each component individually and it's always fail, with virtually the same log info every time.
the contents shown when viewing the log after attempting the install
(24.82 KiB) Downloaded 1452 times
image of dialog showing items that didn't install
WPI_fail_info.jpg (41.8 KiB) Viewed 26064 times

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

02 Jul 2013, 04:57


Could you specify what Windows and IIS version you are using and if it's IIS or IIS Express.

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

02 Jul 2013, 09:03

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
IIS (not IIS Express) v7.5.7600

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

04 Jul 2013, 06:32

Could you please check if the user has Admin privileges.
We have tested the version you have and didn't encounter any problems.
Will it be possible to get remote access to your server to investigate further?
If yes, you can send access details to [email protected] with reference to this forum post.

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

08 Jul 2013, 12:05

I am running with admin privileges.
I cannot provide remote access to the server.

I did manage to progress further in the installation process. I added IIS features via the IIS Management console, and that seemed to take care of most of the Microsoft dependencies that weren't installing. Now I'm left with a handful of other items that aren't installing (see image below).

We are behind a proxy and firewall, and I suspect that may be causing the problem. I say that because when I opened a command line, I was able to set the proxy and got THIN installed.

Is there anything I can to do to specify the proxy information for WPI/Zoo installers?
WPI_fail_info_0708.jpg (44.43 KiB) Viewed 25482 times

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

08 Jul 2013, 14:10

Can you please send us installation log for this new install?

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

08 Jul 2013, 16:15

Here it is.
Installation Log
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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

09 Jul 2013, 06:54


Well, the install log doesn't show anything critical.
However, you say that you are behind the proxy and firewall and this may be a big hurdle as the feed is downloaded from the Internet...

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

09 Jul 2013, 09:55

Really? That's it? Most (all?) corporate and government servers run behind a proxy/firewall. There's no way I can get this installed?

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

09 Jul 2013, 12:51

I went into WPI and choose the Ruby Hosting package. This time, I clicked the '1 items to be installed', and then clicked on the 'Direct Download Link' which downloaded a cmd file (attached below).

I ran the cmd file successfully (one change I made was to replace %systemroot% with c:\).

It appears the gems installed without a problem. Does that complete the Helicon Zoo installation?

I ask because after doing this, I launched WPI one last time to see if it would recognize the install, but it went through the same process as before, with the same installation errors.
install download.txt
install download (cmd file)
(1.52 KiB) Downloaded 1450 times

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

10 Jul 2013, 09:27


Actually, WPI does quite the same: it downloads .bat file and executes it. If you did it manually, it should work from installer.
It may sometimes happen that Ruby site was not working at that moment. Could you please retry to make sure in was not by accident.

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

10 Jul 2013, 09:44

Probably you have installed Ruby manually not in the default location, so Web Platform Installer cannot find it. If your system runs behind firewall and restricts internet access for some applications I may suggest you to prepare offline installation package on a internet-enabled machine and then run it in the restricted system. Here is the instruction how to do this:

First you will need to cache all requirements to run Redmine and the best way to do this is to use Web Platform Installer /Offline option. You will need a webpicmd.exe tool that comes with WebPI. Open command line on the internet-enabled machine (or powershell) and type the following command:

Code: Select all
WebpiCmd.exe /offline /Products:RubyHostingPackage /Path:C:\ruby-offline /Feeds:http://www.helicontech.com/zoo/feed-beta/zooproducts4.xml

This will create an offline copy of all feeds and installation packages needed to install Ruby Hosting Package on a clean system in C:\ruby-offline. Note 'C:\ruby-offline\bin\WebpiCmd.exe' file, you gonna need it on the offline machine. Now copy this folder to the internet-restricted machine and call the following command:

Code: Select all
WebpiCmd.exe /install /Products:RubyHostingPackage /XML:C:\ruby-offline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml /Feeds:C:\ruby-offline\feeds\latest\supplementalfeeds\zooproducts4.xml

This will install Ruby Hosting Package with all requirements. Please read this document for more informtation about webpicmd.exe options http://www.iis.net/learn/install/web-pl ... tw-release

Then install Templates -> Ruby project on the internet enabled machine and configure your Ruby application in there. Install all gems using Web Console, etc. Then just copy entire web site folder to the remote machine and create a new IIS web site and point it into this folder.

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

10 Jul 2013, 11:31

No, it wasn't that the Ruby site wasn't working. I would visit the site, very often, before and after many failed installation attempts, and never had a problem.

The difference is that when I ran manually, I could set the HTTP_PROXY variable in the CMD window. I tried several ways of getting the proxy specified for the Windows environment, but had no luck -- it only worked for me when I opened a cmd window.

Anton wrote:Hello,

Actually, WPI does quite the same: it downloads .bat file and executes it. If you did it manually, it should work from installer.
It may sometimes happen that Ruby site was not working at that moment. Could you please retry to make sure in was not by accident.

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Re: Helicon Zoo dependencies not installing

10 Jul 2013, 11:35

Thanks, Yaroslav! This is exactly what I need (I think). I'll be trying it later -- as soon as my test server is back to the clean state I had before I made all these failed attempts.

I did change the Ruby install directory from the usual (or default) -- I wanted to eliminate spaces in the subdirectory names, which was something I had read elsewhere could cause problems.

Yaroslav wrote:Probably you have installed Ruby manually not in the default location, so Web Platform Installer cannot find it. If your system runs behind firewall and restricts internet access for some applications I may suggest you to prepare offline installation package on a internet-enabled machine and then run it in the restricted system. Here is the instruction how to do this:

First you will need to cache all requirements to run Redmine and the best way to do this is to use Web Platform Installer /Offline option. You will need a webpicmd.exe tool that comes with WebPI. Open command line on the internet-enabled machine (or powershell) and type the following command:

Code: Select all
WebpiCmd.exe /offline /Products:RubyHostingPackage /Path:C:\ruby-offline /Feeds:http://www.helicontech.com/zoo/feed-beta/zooproducts4.xml

This will create an offline copy of all feeds and installation packages needed to install Ruby Hosting Package on a clean system in C:\ruby-offline. Note 'C:\ruby-offline\bin\WebpiCmd.exe' file, you gonna need it on the offline machine. Now copy this folder to the internet-restricted machine and call the following command:

Code: Select all
WebpiCmd.exe /install /Products:RubyHostingPackage /XML:C:\ruby-offline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml /Feeds:C:\ruby-offline\feeds\latest\supplementalfeeds\zooproducts4.xml

This will install Ruby Hosting Package with all requirements. Please read this document for more informtation about webpicmd.exe options http://www.iis.net/learn/install/web-pl ... tw-release

Then install Templates -> Ruby project on the internet enabled machine and configure your Ruby application in there. Install all gems using Web Console, etc. Then just copy entire web site folder to the remote machine and create a new IIS web site and point it into this folder.

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