Folder case issue from search engine

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Folder case issue from search engine

21 Jun 2012, 23:30


Need help with a rewrite.

Search engine has index pages with the following case structure


Need it to be


Can anyone help with this rewrite? How do I do it!

Something like this?

RewriteRule ^online-stores/$ Online-Stores/%1 [R=301,L]


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Re: Folder case issue from search engine

22 Jun 2012, 04:24


So, you just need the redirect to the same path but with upper case initial letters?

Please try it like this then:

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^online-stores/$ Online-Stores/ [R=301,L]

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Re: Folder case issue from search engine

22 Jun 2012, 10:32

Bad news, that didnt work either!

Not sure what to try next....

The folder on the server has the capital letters like this "Online-Stores" for the target folder so it shows up on the Helicon Manager like that also ... will that effect the script?

Tried using the rewriterule on the root folder and the Online-Stores folder, nothing happened...

Theres alot of other rewrites in both the root and target folder, would that also cause issues?


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Re: Folder case issue from search engine

25 Jun 2012, 09:34


Could you please clarify some things:
"The folder on the server has the capital letters like this "Online-Stores"..."
- what does it mean? Is the real folder under the site named "Online-Stores"? Then how do you want it to be redirected?

"Theres alot of other rewrites in both the root and target folder, would that also cause issues?"
- I know nothing about your config and your rules, but you can always test the rules an a local machine or dev environment.

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Re: Folder case issue from search engine

25 Jun 2012, 11:13

The folder is exactly like this "Online-Stores", the URLS should all be like this too ..


but for some reason there are urls in search engine that are like this...


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Re: Folder case issue from search engine

25 Jun 2012, 11:33

Now I see what you mean. Please try to fix the config like this:

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^online-stores/(.*)$ Online-Stores/$1 [R=301,L]

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