Need a new rule

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Need a new rule

22 Jun 2016, 14:13

I need to create a rewrite rule for a multi language app where the language is stored in the URL. For example:

should redirect to:

This should work for any subdirectories so for example:
should redirect to:

I need a single rule to work for multiple levels of subdirectory and in addition, I need the rule (or a 2nd rule) to also handle any number of parameters.

Basically, whatever the URL I need to extract the language code from the URL and append it as an additional parameter on the URL.

I saw the following rule:

RewriteRule /(\w+)/([^?]*)(\?.*)? http\://$2?3$3&lang=$1:\?lang=$1 [I,RP]

However I am having 2 issues with this rule.

1. It doesnt seem to work on ssl pages (https)

2. If a user doesnt not type in a language it should just default as no language supplied.

So for example I have the following:

RewriteRule ^[^?/]*-(\d+)$ item.asp?pid=$1 [NC,L,QSA]

which would produce smth like this --->

Now I need to add languages so if a user enters

http://[domain]/bla-bla-bla-233 (this shows in english - or no langunge in the querystring would essesntially just look like http://[domain]/item.asp?pid=233&lan=)

However if a user enters http://[domain]/br/bla-bla-bla-233 it would direct someone to http://[domain]/item.asp?pid=233&lan=br

Ideally I have multiple URL rewrites already so i would add one last rule to my file to check for


if it is found always append it to the querystring as such "lan=whateverlangauge"

Can anybody suggest how this can be made possible?


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