Connection String Without Including Username/Password

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Connection String Without Including Username/Password

09 Jan 2021, 16:02


We're trying to determine a solution for connection to our database using Helicon Ape, but not including the username and password in the connection string. I was successful in completing this task on our DEV environment, however, it will not work on PROD. The reason is PROD's using Azure Managed SQL Instance, and you only have access to the SQL Server accounts or AD accounts. We thought about using AD, but the current configuration of the IIS app pool requires us to use an account associated with our storage instance.

Is there a way to use the connection string without showing the username/password? Web server uses IIS 10 and database using Azure Managed SQL Instance.


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