APE Compatibility with SharePoint 2013

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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APE Compatibility with SharePoint 2013

21 Apr 2015, 19:21

We are attempting to get APE working within our SharePoint 2013 environment but are having issues with rules not working properly. If I enable the debug logging, I can see that APE is seeing incoming requests and logging them however it appears that SharePoint is intercepting APE and URLs coming in are not as we want them to be for our rules to be applied.

Are we dealing with an issue of incompatibility with SharePoint 2013 or is there a way to get this to work properly?? We are also using host-named site collections in our environment.

We also tried to use the ISAPI 3.0 module with the same results. We thought APE might work better however it seems to be doing the same thing.

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Re: APE Compatibility with SharePoint 2013

24 Apr 2015, 08:37


One thing to check is: Sharepoint has its own filter that will rewrite all requests to its sites to its own handler. But you could try to play with filters order to allow Ape to run before a Sharepoint's filter.

Also, please clarify what you are trying to achieve with Ape and which exact rules you use.

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