
Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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28 Sep 2017, 12:58


I'm getting the following error when trying to setup everything like the mod_xsendfile quickstart: Path "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\data\hello.txt dissallowed by configurations"

XSendFilePath c:/inetpub/wwwroot/data

XSendFile On

This is a windows 2012 R2 Server, running Lucee on Tomcat and using the BonCode Connector. The website directory and the file folder location both have read and write permissions on the IIS_IUSR.

Any ideas?

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Re: x-sendfile

02 Oct 2017, 07:42


Most likely you are experiencing this issue because of Boncode connector. For some reason all ColdFusion connectors I've been using, including boncode and jakarta, (except for our Zoo) forcibly disable all post-processing in IIS, therefore making any change to the output stream by any other module impossible. Since mod_zsendfile acts after the backend application has created the response, it is affected by this problem. You can make an experiment and try to set X-Sendfile header using PHP (or ASP) script as described in the documentation: https://www.helicontech.com/ape/doc/mod_xsendfile.htm

Unfortunately I don't have a remedy for this problem except for not using boncode or ColdFusion to set these headers.

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