Pip in Console getting Access Denied error

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Pip in Console getting Access Denied error

08 Oct 2014, 13:30


I'm trying to move a Web app to IIS. I'm trying to install WebOb in my virtual environment using "pip install WebOb==dev". I'm getting an error:

Access is denied 'c:\\Windows\\System32\\config\\systemprofile\\pip

I've searched the web but the only reference I could find to a similar error was for django from 2012. It had a link to another page but that page was gone.

There's a line in the deploy_done.py file that looks like it's related to the pip envionment;

os.environ['APPDATA'] = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, PYTHON_MODULES_DIR)

It was commented out. I removed the comment it but it didn't seem to change anything. The APPDATA environment variable is set to C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming. I can't figure out why pip is trying to reference systemprofile\pip.

It would probably help if I understood virtualenv.

Can anyone point me in the proper direction?

Update: I was able to install WebOb using easy_install. That doesn't explain the pip error but it gets me around the problem. The only environment variable that looks like it might be related is;


I don't know if that's useful or not.

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Re: Pip in Console getting Access Denied error

09 Oct 2014, 05:27


1. Please make sure that your web app directory has write permission for IIS worker process user, usually it is IIS_IUSRS.
2. Update zoo application environment variables:
Code: Select all
  <add name="APPDATA" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%" />
  <add name="USERPROFILE" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%" />

3. Restart IIS process, reopen web console and try again:
pip install WebOb==dev

Thank you.

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Re: Pip in Console getting Access Denied error

09 Oct 2014, 11:39

That fixed it. Thank you very much Ruslan. I appreciate your help.

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Re: Pip in Console getting Access Denied error

13 Apr 2015, 03:36

Thanks you


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