Helicon Zoo not working on IIS 7.5

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Helicon Zoo not working on IIS 7.5

17 Dec 2014, 18:04

I installed Helicon Zoo Python Hosting Package through Web Platform Installer 5.0 on Win 7 64 Bit with IIS 7.5 on it.

As part of this installation, it also installed Python 2.7 and other components (like URI Rewrite, etc)

After that I created a Python Project from Templates using Platform Installer 5.0 which created project folder under C:\Inetput\wwwroot.

But when I click on the Finish button on the Template Wizard, it is not deploying the project and not creating the venv folder under the project folder.

What step could be missing? When i execute http://localhost/pythonsample in IE, i get blank page.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Helicon Zoo not working on IIS 7.5

18 Dec 2014, 07:08


Can you indicate which files are there in the project folder now.

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Re: Helicon Zoo not working on IIS 7.5

22 Dec 2014, 18:55

Hi Anton,

I have following folder/file structure under my project folder.


- console (folder)
- log (folder)
- static (folder)
- deploy.py
- requirements.txt
- web.config
- welcome.py


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Re: Helicon Zoo not working on IIS 7.5

23 Dec 2014, 06:59


For some reason deploy hasn't been successful and all consequent actions failed.

Please add the following line into web.config

<add name="DEPLOY_LOG" value="deploy.log" />

Give the folder Write permissions, retry deploy (e.g. by doing iisreset and then opening the site again) and check the log for error messages.

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Re: Helicon Zoo not working on IIS 7.5

13 Jan 2015, 21:10

Hi Anton,

Sorry for late reply. I was out on break and could not get to this earlier.

I tried the below suggestions, but deploy is still failing. I do not see the deploy.log file created under log folder.

Below is the web.config file under my PythonSample folder.

Can you please recommend what else I can try here?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clear />
<application name="python.project" >
<add name="VIRTUAL_ENV" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv" />
<add name="PATH" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\Scripts;%PATH%" />
<add name="PYTHONPATH" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib\site-packages;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\project" />

<!-- generic wsgi app -->
<add name="WSGI_APP" value="welcome.application" />

<!-- django project -->
<!-- <add name="DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" value="project.settings" /> -->

<!-- tornado app -->
<!-- <add name="APP_WORKER" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\server.py" /> -->

<!-- web console -->
<!-- security rules for console are placed in /console/web.config -->
<add name="CONSOLE_URL" value="console" />

<!-- application deployment -->
<add name="DEPLOY_FILE" value="deploy.py" />
<add name="DEPLOY_LOG" value="deploy.log" />

<!-- logging -->
<add name="ERROR_LOG_DIR" value="log" />

<!-- reload on files changes -->
<!-- <add name="WATCH_FILE_CHANGES_MASK" value="*.py" /> -->



<remove name="python.project#x86" />
<remove name="python.project#x64" />

<!-- Django or WSGI application over fastcgi -->
<add name="python.project#x86" scriptProcessor="python.2.7.wsgi" path="*" verb="*" modules="HeliconZoo_x86" preCondition="bitness32" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />
<add name="python.project#x64" scriptProcessor="python.2.7.wsgi" path="*" verb="*" modules="HeliconZoo_x64" preCondition="bitness64" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />

<!-- HTTP backend (Tornado) over http -->
<add name="python.project#x86" scriptProcessor="python.2.7.http" path="*" verb="*" modules="HeliconZoo_x86" preCondition="bitness32" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />
<add name="python.project#x64" scriptProcessor="python.2.7.http" path="*" verb="*" modules="HeliconZoo_x64" preCondition="bitness64" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />

<!-- HTTP backend (Twisted) over http -->
<add name="python.project#x86" scriptProcessor="python.2.7.twisted" path="*" verb="*" modules="HeliconZoo_x86" preCondition="bitness32" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />
<add name="python.project#x64" scriptProcessor="python.2.7.twisted" path="*" verb="*" modules="HeliconZoo_x64" preCondition="bitness64" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" />


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Re: Helicon Zoo not working on IIS 7.5

13 Apr 2015, 03:30

Thanks YOU



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